< 문제 출처 >
이공학도를 위한 확률과 통계 3판 한글판
> model <- lm(Fiber_Strength ~ Concentration_of_Polymer1 + Concentration_of_Polymer2 + I(Concentration_of_Polymer1 * Concentration_of_Polymer1) + I(Concentration_of_Polymer2 * Concentration_of_Polymer2) + Concentration_of_Polymer1 * Concentration_of_Polymer2, data = raw_datas)
> summary(model)
lm(formula = Fiber_Strength ~ Concentration_of_Polymer1 + Concentration_of_Polymer2 +
I(Concentration_of_Polymer1 * Concentration_of_Polymer1) +
I(Concentration_of_Polymer2 * Concentration_of_Polymer2) +
Concentration_of_Polymer1 * Concentration_of_Polymer2, data = raw_datas)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
-0.41111 0.48889 0.32222 -0.07778 0.08889 -0.30278 -0.18611
8 9
-0.01944 0.09722
(Intercept) 20.0111
Concentration_of_Polymer1 -0.6333
Concentration_of_Polymer2 2.0833
I(Concentration_of_Polymer1 * Concentration_of_Polymer1) -1.4667
I(Concentration_of_Polymer2 * Concentration_of_Polymer2) -1.7167
Concentration_of_Polymer1:Concentration_of_Polymer2 0.9250
Std. Error
(Intercept) 0.3501
Concentration_of_Polymer1 0.1918
Concentration_of_Polymer2 0.1918
I(Concentration_of_Polymer1 * Concentration_of_Polymer1) 0.3322
I(Concentration_of_Polymer2 * Concentration_of_Polymer2) 0.3322
Concentration_of_Polymer1:Concentration_of_Polymer2 0.2349
t value
(Intercept) 57.155
Concentration_of_Polymer1 -3.303
Concentration_of_Polymer2 10.864
I(Concentration_of_Polymer1 * Concentration_of_Polymer1) -4.416
I(Concentration_of_Polymer2 * Concentration_of_Polymer2) -5.168
Concentration_of_Polymer1:Concentration_of_Polymer2 3.938
(Intercept) 1.18e-05
Concentration_of_Polymer1 0.04564
Concentration_of_Polymer2 0.00167
I(Concentration_of_Polymer1 * Concentration_of_Polymer1) 0.02156
I(Concentration_of_Polymer2 * Concentration_of_Polymer2) 0.01405
Concentration_of_Polymer1:Concentration_of_Polymer2 0.02917
(Intercept) ***
Concentration_of_Polymer1 *
Concentration_of_Polymer2 **
I(Concentration_of_Polymer1 * Concentration_of_Polymer1) *
I(Concentration_of_Polymer2 * Concentration_of_Polymer2) *
Concentration_of_Polymer1:Concentration_of_Polymer2 *
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 0.4697 on 3 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.9845, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9587
F-statistic: 38.13 on 5 and 3 DF, p-value: 0.006456
문제에서 제시된 모델은 다음과 같기 때문에
βˆ 0 = 20.011
βˆ 1 = −0.633
βˆ 2 = −1.467
βˆ 3 = 2.083
βˆ 4 = −1.717
βˆ 5 = 0.925
임을 알 수 있습니다.
섬유의 강도가 가장 강해지는 농도는 위 추정식을 x1, x2에 대해 각각 편미분한 식을 0이라 두고 연립방정식을 풀면 구할 수 있습니다.
x1 = −0.027
x2 = 0.600
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