[ 작업 환경 ]
Centos 7.3 & Python 3.7.5
( raw data는 용량때문에 업로드가 불가능하여 없습니다. 참고해주세요. )
# -*- codeing: utf-8 -*-
#################### 패치노트 ####################
# 2019-11-26 ver1.0.0 파일 생성
# 2019-11-27 ver1.0.0 완성
# 2019-11-28 ver1.0.0 ISO txt 파일 인코딩 기능 추가
# ISO 파일인지 물어보고, 맞다고 하면 인코딩 진행
# 2019-12-01 ver1.0.1 '(우)' 인식 기능 강화, 이름/좌표 '/' 인식 기능 강화
# DB insert 직전에 넣을지 물어보는 기능 추가
# 데이터 가공시 warning, error 사항에 대해 사용자에게 reporting해주는 기능 추가
#################### 변수1 ####################
store_list_location = '매장조사애살_20191128' # 가게 폴더들 리스트의 위치
txt_file_name = '정보.txt' # rawdata 정보 들어있는 파일 명
#################### 변수2 ####################
target_host = 'localhost'
target_DB = 'test_ver100'
target_table = 'store_information'
target_port = 33906
target_user = 'testuser'
target_passwd = 'testpassword'
######################## 추가 작업 필요 여부 & 필요 작업 선택 ###########################
answer = str(input('\n[INFO] Do you need any additional work like encoding?\n Your Answer(y/n) : '))
import time
if answer == 'n':
mode = 'original'
answer = str(input('\n[INFO] What do you need? Please press only number.\n1. Encoding from "IOS" to "utf-8".\n\n Your Answer(1) : '))
mode = answer
if answer != '1':
print('Press "Ctrl + C" For Stop This Program.')
import os
def replace_all(data, old, new):
for i in range(data.count(old)):
data = data.replace(old, new)
return data
######################## IOS 인코딩 -> UTF-8 ###########################
if mode == '1':
store_list = os.listdir(store_list_location + '/')
os.system('rm store_list.txt')
for each_store in store_list:
each_store = replace_all(each_store, ' ', '\ ')
each_store = replace_all(each_store, '\\\\', '\\')
each_store = replace_all(each_store, '&', '\&')
if each_store != 'Thumbs.db':
with open('store_list.txt', 'a', encoding='utf8') as f:
f.write(each_store + '\n')
store_list=open('store_list.txt', 'r')
for each_store in store_list:
print('[INFO] ' + each_store + ' Encoding Transfering "ISO-8859" To "UTF-8" Working.')
os.system('cp ' + store_list_location + '/' + each_store + '/' + txt_file_name + ' ' + store_list_location + '/' + each_store + '/before_encode.txt')
os.system('iconv -c -f euc-kr -t utf-8 ' + store_list_location + '/' + each_store + '/before_encode.txt > ' + store_list_location + '/' + each_store + '/' + txt_file_name)
os.system('rm ' + store_list_location + '/' + each_store + '/before_encode.txt')
print('[INFO] Encoding Data Success.')
store_list = os.listdir(store_list_location + '/')
total_data_list = list()
DB_insert_Data = list()
for each_store in store_list:
if each_store != 'Thumbs.db':
with open(store_list_location + '/' + each_store + '/' + txt_file_name, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as raw_information:
lines = list()
while True:
temp = raw_information.readline()
if not temp:
elif temp == '\n' or temp == ' ' or temp == ' ':
elif temp == 'Thumbs.db':
temp = temp.replace('\n', '')
print('[INFO] Reading Data Success.')
# DATA 가공
for i, each_store in enumerate(total_data_list):
#print('[INFO] Touching about this file : ' + str(each_store))
if '/' in each_store[0]:
name = each_store[0].split('/')[0]
if ':' in each_store[0].split('/')[1] or ' - ' in each_store[0].split('/')[1] or '~' in each_store[0].split('/')[1]:
coordiname = ''
print('[ERROR] ' + each_store[0] + 'coordinate value something strange.')
coordinate = each_store[0].split('/')[1]
name = each_store[0]
coordinate = ''
print('[WARNING] ' + each_store[0] + 'coordinate value NULL')
if '37.' in each_store[2] or ',127.' in each_store[1]:
road_name_address_kor = ''
road_name_address_kor = each_store[1]
if ' (우)' in each_store[2] and '지번주소)' in each_store[2]:
location_old_kor = each_store[2].split('지번주소)')[1].split(' (우) ')[0]
postcode = each_store[2].split(' (우)')[1]
elif ' (우)' in each_store[2] and '지번주소)' not in each_store[2] and '지번)' not in each_store[2]:
location_old_kor = each_store[2].split(' (우)')[0]
postcode = each_store[2].split(' (우)')[1]
elif ' (우)' in each_store[2] and '지번)' in each_store[2]:
location_old_kor = each_store[2].split('지번)')[1].split(' (우)')[0]
postcode = each_store[2].split(' (우)')[1]
elif ' (우)' in each_store[2] and '지번)' not in each_store[2]:
location_old_kor = each_store[2].split(' (우)')[0]
postcode = each_store[2].split(' (우) ')[1]
elif ' (우)' not in each_store[2] and '지번주소)' in each_store[2]:
location_old_kor = each_store[2].split('지번주소)')[1]
postcode = ''
elif '지번)' not in each_store[2] and '지번' in each_store[2]:
location_old_kor = each_store[2].split('지번')[1]
postcode = ''
location_old_kor = each_store[2].split('지번)')[1]
postcode = ''
print('[WARNING] ' + each_store[0] + ' has no postcode.')
except IndexError:
locartion_old_kor = each_store[2]
postcode = ''
print('[ERROR] ' + each_store[0] + ' has no postcode and no some location.')
call_num = each_store[3]
except IndexError:
call_num = ''
print('[ERROR] ' + each_store[0] + ' has no call_number.')
opening_hours = each_store[4]
lines_of_openinghours = 0
while True:
lines_of_openinghours -= 1
if opening_hours != each_store[lines_of_openinghours]:
opening_hours += '\n' + each_store[lines_of_openinghours]
except IndexError:
opening_hours = ''
print('[WARNING] ' + each_store[0] + ' has no opening hours.')
DB_insert_Data.append([call_num.strip(), name.strip(), road_name_address_kor.strip(), location_old_kor.strip(), postcode.strip(), coordinate.strip(), opening_hours.strip()])
print('[INFO] Insert_Data Setting Complete.')
answer = str(input('\n[INFO] Do you want to insert Data into DB?\n Your Answer(y/n) : '))
if answer == 'n':
print('Press "Ctrl + C" For Stop This Program.')
print('[INFO] Inserting Data Start.')
# DB 접속 & Insert
import pymysql
conn = pymysql.connect(host=target_host, port=target_port, db=target_DB, user=target_user, passwd=target_passwd, charset='utf8')
curdic = conn.cursor(pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
insert_store_information_sql = "INSERT INTO store_information (call_num, name, road_name_address_kor, location_old_kor, postcode, coordinate, opening_hours) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
cur = conn.cursor()
print('[INFO] DB Connection Success.')
for each_store in range(len(total_data_list)):
cur.execute(insert_store_information_sql, DB_insert_Data[each_store])
print('[INFO] Data Insert Success.')
print('[INFO] DB Disconnection Success. Working Complete.')
<<< 문제 발생 ERROR 해결 방법 >>>
1. DB 컬럼의 글자수 제한으로 인한 문제
위와 같이 정상적으로 insert는 되었으나, Data truncated for column '~~~' 발생시, 데이터의 입력값이 테이블의 컬럼에서 수용하는 데이터 길이보다 길기 때문에 발생합니다. DB 테이블 자체에서 해당 필드의 최대 길이를 증가시켜주면 해결됩니다.
깔끔하게 해결되었습니다.
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